Tony Fitzgerald on Expanding the Kingdom by Sowing Seeds

Tony Fitzgerald returns to share how we can impact and expand God's Kingdom by doing more than planting churches. Tony and Larry Kreider express what it means to rule and reign with a Kingdom-minded heart and why investing in spiritual children produces much fruit. Quotable Quotes: "God called us to win." "For God so loved [...]

| Season 2 | Episode 48

Philip & Kerina Omondi on Stepping Out of Our Cocoons

Philip and Kerina Omondi join Larry Kreider via Zoom to describe their leadership journeys and how they went from being students in India to church planters in Canada. The Omondis share how their differences in strengths complement one another and why setting boundaries is paramount. Philip and Kerina Omondi are the lead pastors of House [...]

| Season 2 | Episode 47

Dave Yarnes on Achieving and Maintaining a Fulfilling Life

Dave Yarnes makes his second appearance on the podcast to explain the principles behind his book Ignite Your Passion, Chart Your Course, Own Your Life: The Three Circle Strategy for a Fulfilling Life. Dave defines emotional alignment, the difference between give-up goals and go-up goals, and the keys to obtaining a meaningful and prosperous future. The [...]

| Season 2 | Episode 46

Diane Omondi & Sarah Sauder on Impacting the Generations through Writing

Sarah Sauder, the creative director of DOVE International, and Diane Omondi, a published author of over fifty books, join Larry Kreider to emphasize the need for resources by Kingdom leaders. Sarah and Diane explain the writing process and where you can gather inspiration.   Sarah Sauder is the creative director of DOVE International, House to [...]

| Season 2 | Episode 45

Phil Wilkerson on Quitting or Recommitting

Phil Wilkerson visits the studio to explain the need for intentionality when building relationships, how to work through seasons that test our faith, and why we can't let our emotions dictate our actions. Phil also shares the importance of setting goals and learning to lead yourself successfully. Phil Wilkerson is a licensed financial representative with [...]

| Season 2 | Episode 44

Jeff Hoglen & Ron Myer on Church Planting Made Practical

Church-planting enthusiasts and the co-authors of Church Planting Made Practical, Jeff Hoglen and Ron Myer, join Larry Kreider to share why we need more churches and how to stay relevant while sticking to God's unchanging word. Jeff and Ron explain why niche church plants are thriving today, how to make connections within your community, and the [...]

| Season 2 | Episode 43

JC & Maria Alzamora on Becoming Who God Made You to Be

JC and Maria Alzamora join Larry Kreider to share why no gifting is superior and how their previous involvement with Maranatha Campus Ministries shaped them as leaders. The Alzamoras discuss what a prophetic Presbytery is and why we need to feed what is already inside us. JC and Maria Alzamora are powerful and prophetic preachers [...]

| Season 2 | Episode 42

Dirk Develing on Being Changed from the inside Out

Dirk Develing visits the studio from the Netherlands to express the need for leadership in every environment and how taking that "first, small step" can lead to incredible things. Dirk delves into how his and his wife's discotheque youth ministry eventually led them to pastor a house church, and how God can turn our disappointments [...]

| Season 2 | Episode 41

Dave Hess on Men & Women Leading Side by Side

Pastor Dave Hess returns to the podcast to explain how God designed His sons and daughters to move and operate in the Kingdom together. Pastor Dave shares how easily scriptures, like Genesis 3:16, can be taken out of context and how we can encourage and welcome those looking for a seat at the table. Quotable [...]

| Season 2 | Episode 40

Ephraim & Joyce Tumusiime on Walking in Kindness

Ephraim and Joyce Tumusiime from Kampala, Uganda, debut on the podcast to share what they've learned throughout their respective leadership journeys and the wisdom that can come from interacting with other leaders. Together, they describe the consequences of not leading scripturally and how genuinely caring for those you serve trumps having all the answers.   [...]

| Season 2 | Episode 39
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