Derek Dienner on Brave the Dark

Derek Dienner of MAKE/FILMS talks about the movie-making process and the inspiration behind the upcoming film Brave the Dark—the incredible story of Nate, a struggling, homeless teen, and Stan Deen, a popular drama teacher who takes Nate under his wing. Highlights: Forty-five investors from Lancaster County funded the production of the film. If you're too [...]

| Season 3 | Episode 4

Tony Fitzgerald on Living Naturally Supernatural

Tony Fitzgerald explains how his desire to live naturally supernatural began and how developing a father-son/father-daughter relationship with God will change your life. Tony shares how his daughter was miraculously raised from the dead and how we can use our gifts of the Spirit to help and serve others.   Quotable Quotes: "If you really [...]

| Season 3 | Episode 3

Sam Beiler on Establishing and Maintaining Your Business’s Core Values

In this week's episode, Sam Beiler shares his advice for starting a business and how to establish and stick to your core values. Sam and Larry Kreider discuss the importance of humility and transparency, the impact of having a variety of mentors and spiritual parents, and how to create enough time for both your personal [...]

| Season 3 | Episode 2

Doug Graybill on Working with Family and Maintaining a Work-Life Balance

Doug Graybill visits the studio to share what he's learned as a family-run business owner for the last thirty-two years. Doug shares how he creates and maintains healthy boundaries between himself and his team, his attempt to visit Scotland without a passport, and the importance of achieving a work-life balance. Doug Graybill is the co-owner [...]

| Season 3 | Episode 1

Pastor Wilson Lim on Leading People Different from You

Pastor Wilson Lim, the founding pastor of Hope Church Brisbane in Brisbane, Australia, joins Larry Kreider to share his church-planting journey and how past mistakes can be powerful tools to learn from. Pastor Wilson explains how spousal differences can complement one another, the importance of being moldable by God, and what Hope International Ministries looks like today. Pastor Wilson [...]

| Season 2 | Episode 52

Philip & Kerina Omondi on Beating Cancer and the Power of Prayer

In December of 2021, Kerina Omondi was diagnosed with Stage 4 non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (cancer of the white blood cells) quickly after she, her husband, Philip, and their children moved from Toronto to London, Ontario, Canada. In today's episode, the Omondis share their individual encounters with angels and how prayers from around the world miraculously healed [...]

| Season 2 | Episode 51

Brian Sauder on Conflict Resolution and Crucial Conversations

Brian Sauder joins Larry Kreider to share how we can communicate effectively and healthily resolve conflict. Brian stresses the importance of being self-aware and understanding your part in a disagreement, how communication via technology can be hard to interpret, and to remember that everyone has different giftings, passions, and conflict styles that generate unique perspectives. [...]

| Season 2 | Episode 50

Charles & Anne Stock on Cultivating Your Ministry’s Culture

Charles and Anne Stock make their third appearance on the podcast to demonstrate how to build a healthy, godly culture in your local church and Life Center's twelve culture-clarifying statements. The Stocks emphasize the importance of being teachable and remembering God's unwavering presence during difficult times. Quotable Quotes: "I need the presence of God to [...]

| Season 2 | Episode 49

Tony Fitzgerald on Expanding the Kingdom by Sowing Seeds

Tony Fitzgerald returns to share how we can impact and expand God's Kingdom by doing more than planting churches. Tony and Larry Kreider express what it means to rule and reign with a Kingdom-minded heart and why investing in spiritual children produces much fruit. Quotable Quotes: "God called us to win." "For God so loved [...]

| Season 2 | Episode 48

Philip & Kerina Omondi on Stepping Out of Our Cocoons

Philip and Kerina Omondi join Larry Kreider via Zoom to describe their leadership journeys and how they went from being students in India to church planters in Canada. The Omondis share how their differences in strengths complement one another and why setting boundaries is paramount. Philip and Kerina Omondi are the lead pastors of House [...]

| Season 2 | Episode 47
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