Larry and LaVerne Kreider on Passing The 21 Tests of Leadership: The Calling Test

Drawing from their wisdom and personal experience, Larry and LaVerne Kreider begin a new series inspired by Larry's book Passing the 21 Tests of Leadership. Providing invaluable insights and guidance on overcoming the challenges and tests that leaders face, Larry and LaVerne begin the series by sharing how to discover your calling and navigate it [...]

| Season 3 | Episode 33

Ron Myer on Fivefold Ministry Made Practical: The Teaching Gift

Ron Myer joins Larry Kreider in the studio for the final episode of a five-part series on the fivefold ministry. Ron and Larry delve into the importance of the teaching gift and its crucial role in anchoring individuals in the foundational truths of God's Word. Ephesians 4 Gifts: Apostles – Govern Prophets – Guide Evangelists [...]

| Season 3 | Episode 32

Ron Myer on Fivefold Ministry Made Practical: The Pastoral Gift

In this episode of the ongoing “Fivefold Ministry Made Practical” series, Ron Myer and Larry Kreider engage in a heartfelt conversation about the pastoral gift. Together, they explore the defining characteristics of this gift, its fundamental nature of care and love for people, and its significance in the context of a leadership team. Ephesians 4 [...]

| Season 3 | Episode 31

Ron Myer on Fivefold Ministry Made Practical: The Evangelistic Gift

In the third episode of a five-part series, Larry Kreider is joined by Ron Myer, the author of Fivefold Ministry Made Practical. Together, they dive into a candid discussion on the evangelistic gift—its significant strengths, potential weaknesses, and the crucial role of accountability. Ron draws from his personal experiences to impart valuable wisdom on this [...]

| Season 3 | Episode 30

Ron Myer on Fivefold Ministry Made Practical: The Prophetic Gift

Ron Myer returns to the studio to continue the five-part series on the fivefold ministry. This week, Ron and Larry discuss practical ways to develop the prophetic gift while walking in humility, honor, and wisdom. Stay tuned to gain a deeper understanding of the prophetic gift and how to nurture it in your own life, [...]

| Season 3 | Episode 29

Ron Myer on Fivefold Ministry Made Practical: The Apostolic Gift

Ron Myer joins Larry Kreider to embark on a series delving into the fivefold ministry and exploring each unique gift in greater detail. In this episode, Ron and Larry discuss the characteristics and functions of the apostolic gift and the ways in which it is used both within the church and the marketplace. Tune in [...]

| Season 3 | Episode 28

Dr. Peter Bunton on Cell Groups and House Churches: What History Teaches Us

By exploring history, Dr. Peter Bunton sheds light on the valuable lessons we can glean about cell groups and house churches. In conversation with Larry Kreider, Peter delves into the experiences and methodologies of prominent early Reformers such as Martin Luther, John Wesley, Martin Bucer, and others. This insightful discussion leads us to discover the [...]

| Season 3 | Episode 27

Merle Shenk on Relational Intelligence and Avoiding Burnout

Merle Shenk and Larry Kreider discuss honoring one another when navigating team leadership in marriage, family, and ministry. Merle shares the importance of relational intelligence, guarding your heart from the enemy’s negative narrative, and practical steps to avoid burnout. Quotable Quotes: “We need to guard our hearts as if our very life depends upon it.” [...]

| Season 3 | Episode 26

Cheree Shenk on Creating a Culture of Honor

Cheree Shenk returns to the studio to share her heart about creating a culture that honors one another as leaders. Cheree discusses her personal experiences serving together with her husband, Merle, and her passion about being where God is moving. Larry and Cheree also dive into the changes that a succession process brings and how [...]

| Season 3 | Episode 23

Bobby Alger on First Fruits Giving

Bobby Alger joins Larry Kreider via Zoom to explore the principle of first-fruits giving while sharing inspiring stories and testimonies that shed light on the power and significance of first fruits. Bobby and Larry discuss the distinction between tithing, offerings, and first fruits as well as practical advice on how to honor God with our [...]

| Season 3 | Episode 25
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