Larry & LaVerne Kreider on Passing The 21 Tests of Leadership: The Conflict Test

Embracing conflict as an asset rather than a liability may seem challenging. Join Larry and LaVerne Kreider as they provide practical and biblical principles on approaching conflict in a healthy manner, bringing conflict resolution while honoring and valuing people and their feelings in the process. Six Steps to Resolving Conflict: Gain agreement that a problem [...]

| Season 3 | Episode 41

Larry & LaVerne Kreider on Passing The 21 Tests of Leadership: The Dependency Test

In this episode, Larry and LaVerne Kreider discuss how a surrendered heart brings us to a place of total dependency on God. They emphasize how this reliance on God is intertwined with our prayer life and provide valuable guidance—based on their personal insights and experiences—on effectively communicating with and connecting to the Lord through prayer. [...]

| Season 3 | Episode 40

Larry & LaVerne Kreider on Passing The 21 Tests of Leadership: The Priorities Test

On this episode of “Passing the 21 Tests of Leadership," Larry and LaVerne Kreider continue their discussion, focusing on the test of priorities. They delve into the four essential rhythms of life: work, rest, worship, and play, discussing how these priorities can easily become idols and distract us from God’s purposes. They also share valuable [...]

| Season 3 | Episode 37

Larry & LaVerne Kreider on Passing The 21 Tests of Leadership: The Releasing Test

Releasing the people in our lives is challenging. Larry and LaVerne Kreider explore how to lead with a heart and attitude of surrender, empowering those we lead to be all God has destined them to be. Drawing from their personal experience, Larry and LaVerne share valuable guidance on navigating the journey of releasing others, including [...]

| Season 3 | Episode 36

Larry & LaVerne Kreider on Passing The 21 Tests of Leadership: The Teamwork Test

Larry and LaVerne Kreider share their insights on the significance of teamwork, the value of diverse viewpoints, the importance of honoring each team member, and the blessing of servant leadership. Join them as they explore these topics and provide valuable perspectives on how to cultivate a strong and successful team. Four Commonalities of Effective Teamwork: [...]

| Season 3 | Episode 35

Larry & LaVerne Kreider on Passing The 21 Tests of Leadership: The Humility Test

In their ongoing series "Passing the 21 Tests of Leadership," Larry and LaVerne Kreider explore the importance of self-honesty, accountability, and the humbling act of letting go of pride. By embracing genuine humility, they share how it positively impacts our lives and leadership roles. Quotable Quotes: “I have met two classes of Christians: the proud [...]

| Season 3 | Episode 34

Larry and LaVerne Kreider on Passing The 21 Tests of Leadership: The Calling Test

Drawing from their wisdom and personal experience, Larry and LaVerne Kreider begin a new series inspired by Larry's book Passing the 21 Tests of Leadership. Providing invaluable insights and guidance on overcoming the challenges and tests that leaders face, Larry and LaVerne begin the series by sharing how to discover your calling and navigate it [...]

| Season 3 | Episode 33

Ron Myer on Fivefold Ministry Made Practical: The Teaching Gift

Ron Myer joins Larry Kreider in the studio for the final episode of a five-part series on the fivefold ministry. Ron and Larry delve into the importance of the teaching gift and its crucial role in anchoring individuals in the foundational truths of God's Word. Ephesians 4 Gifts: Apostles – Govern Prophets – Guide Evangelists [...]

| Season 3 | Episode 32
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