Larry and LaVerne Kreider share their insights on the significance of teamwork, the value of diverse viewpoints, the importance of honoring each team member, and the blessing of servant leadership. Join them as they explore these topics and provide valuable perspectives on how to cultivate a strong and successful team.

Four Commonalities of Effective Teamwork:

  1. Vision
  2. Values
  3. Procedure
  4. Relationship

Quotable Quotes:

  • “Jesus modeled teamwork.”
  • “Every person on a team is important.”
  • “A real key is finding people who are different than we are to serve together on a team.”
  • “Honor is like giving room at the table.”


  • God is a team player: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
  • John 5:17-19
  • A big mistake leaders can make when working with a team is thinking that everyone thinks like them.
  • The power of teamwork lies in uniting individuals with diverse perspectives to achieve a common mission.
  • Titus 1:5
  • As leaders learn to work with their team, they often undergo a deep transformation in their own lives.
  • Isaiah 54
  • It’s important to honor and value how each team member is wired.
  • Romans 12
  • It can take 10 years to see if your team’s values are aligned.
  • Psalms 133

Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

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