Continuing their series on “Passing the 21 Tests of Leadership,” Larry and LaVerne Kreider highlight the importance of demonstrating agape love towards both those we lead and those in our lives. They emphasize that it is through Christ living and working within us that we are empowered to exhibit this transformative and selfless form of love.

Quotable Quotes:

  • “Compassion gives people a path out of their pain.”
  • “Agape love is love without expectancy of return.”
  • “I can tell when I have lost my passion for Jesus when I make decisions based upon what it will cost me versus the glory that Christ will receive.”—Floyd McClung


  • James 1:2-3
  • 1 Corinthians 13
  • There is great security in knowing that even in times of difficulty, God’s intention toward us is always love.
  • Colossians 3:12
  • Matthew 7:12
  • John 13:34-35
  • John 17
  • Romans 12
  • Philippians 2:2-7
  • The focus of our ministry or business should not be self-consuming but rather should be centered on advancing the Kingdom of God.
  • Love is a decision we make to allow Christ’s love to flow through us rather than live by how we feel.

Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Related Resources:

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