By exploring history, Dr. Peter Bunton sheds light on the valuable lessons we can glean about cell groups and house churches. In conversation with Larry Kreider, Peter delves into the experiences and methodologies of prominent early Reformers such as Martin Luther, John Wesley, Martin Bucer, and others. This insightful discussion leads us to discover the rich insights and practical approaches we can apply today.

Quotable Quotes:

  • “I have found by experience that one of these [people] has learned more from one hour’s close discourse than ten years’ public preaching.” —John Wesley
  • “Small groups are so important for people to be discipled.”
  • “Looking at church history is important.”


  • Historically, cell groups and small groups have been called many names including conventicles, bands, collegia pietatis, classes, and societies.
  • Martin Luther’s theology started to pave the way for the idea of small groups.
  • Ulrich Zwingli and Martin Bucer were a few of the early Reformers to implement small groups.
  • A well-known Puritan leader, Richard Baxter, spoke of having “more success” in discipling those who came to the conventicles than “from all my public preaching to them.”
  • Matthew 18:19-20

Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

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