Christ Lives In You!

Let’s purpose in our hearts today to keep our “spiritual eyes” open. What do you see Jesus doing in your life, or in the lives of your loved ones, or in the lives of those He has placed around you? How has He called you to partner with Him to minister to those around you? [...]

By |2016-04-21T10:40:24-04:00April 21st, 2016|Christian Living, Leadership|0 Comments

Great News!

It is so easy to make the mistake of relying too much on how we feel. One day we may feel close to God, the next day we don’t. Although getting in touch with our emotions is important, we cannot trust our feelings alone. We must trust the truth we find in the Word of [...]

By |2016-04-06T10:12:52-04:00April 6th, 2016|Christian Living, Leadership|0 Comments

The Power of Grace

There is tremendous spiritual power released when we begin to experience the grace of God. Years ago, I was involved in a youth ministry. I remember coming home one day, and discovering that someone had taken a big rock and thrown it through our window. I knew the rock-thrower was someone we cared about and [...]

By |2016-03-18T13:48:48-04:00March 18th, 2016|Christian Living, Leadership|0 Comments


I am very excited about a young generation among us who are changing the world. Throughout history God has consistently called and anointed a young generation to fulfill His purposes. From young Joseph to David to the disciples of Jesus, the LORD has prepared young men and women to do great exploits for him. Acts [...]

By |2016-03-08T19:58:19-05:00March 8th, 2016|Christian Living, Leadership, Uncategorized|0 Comments

The 50-cow woman

I once heard the story of a very common young lady in an African village who was being asked by a young man to marry him. He needed to pay her father the dowry first. In many African nations, the new future husband needs to pay his future wife’s parents a dowry before they release [...]

By |2016-02-24T15:02:30-05:00February 24th, 2016|Christian Living, Leadership|0 Comments
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