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Did you know that Thomas Edison tried over 200 different elements before he figured out what was the right element to use in the light bulb? And in 21 years, baseball great Babe Ruth hit 714 home runs but he struck out 1330 times? He struck out nearly twice as often as he hit a [...]

By |2013-01-04T07:26:27-05:00November 4th, 2011|Leadership|0 Comments

Dreading Last Suppers

“Hope deferred makes the heart sick” says the writer of Proverbs (Prov. 13:12). We all experience times of longing for something that doesn’t turn out the way we had planned; the pain of unmet expectations. And our “heart” feels sick. I sat with a pastor and his wife one evening, and she blurted out, “I hate last suppers!”...

By |2013-01-04T07:26:27-05:00October 29th, 2011|Leadership|2 Comments


I heard Heidi Baker say this week, “Copies are worthless, but originals are priceless.” How true! I struggled for years comparing myself to others who had gifts, abilities and opportunities that I simply did not have. I tried to be a copy. And then it dawned on me...

By |2013-01-04T07:26:27-05:00October 22nd, 2011|Leadership|1 Comment

Embrace Today

It seems like everywhere I turn, I find myself talking to someone who feels they are in the “land in between.” They know God has something for them in the next season, but find themselves waiting…living in a season “in between.” My wife LaVerne read a quote to me this morning that put this all in perspective...

By |2013-01-04T07:26:27-05:00October 14th, 2011|Leadership|2 Comments

40 Awesome Years

My wife LaVerne and I are taking a few days away this week to celebrate 40 awesome years of marriage. It was not always easy. In our fifth year, we began to struggle in our marriage. God by his grace led us to a Christian counselor who gave us hope that we could make it through this dark tunnel...

By |2013-01-04T07:26:27-05:00September 29th, 2011|Uncategorized|1 Comment

The Time is Now

Have you ever put off making a decision until the time feels really right, when in reality, you should have just taken a step of faith? I sure have. The time was now, and I missed it by playing it too safe. The Bible tells us: “Indeed, the ‘right time’ is now...

By |2013-01-04T07:26:27-05:00September 24th, 2011|Leadership|0 Comments

9/11 Parallel Reality

This past weekend we remembered the lives lost September 11, 2001 – known as 9/11, the day that changed the world. Horrible as that day was, I encourage you to gain a new perspective by focusing on what I call a parallel reality found in Amos 9:11, which reads: “On that day I will restore the tabernacle of David, which has fallen down, and repair its damages; I will restore its ruins, and rebuild it as it used to be.” This verse reflects God’s desire to restore all that has been lost...

By |2013-01-04T07:26:27-05:00September 14th, 2011|Leadership|0 Comments

Terrifying or Comforting?

Through reading, I have learned so much from past generations of men and women of God. For example, A. W. Tozer, who died about 50 years ago once said; “What we need very badly these days is a company of Christians who are prepared to trust God as completely now as they know they must do at the last day. For each of us the time is coming when we shall have nothing but God...

By |2013-01-04T07:26:27-05:00September 7th, 2011|Leadership|0 Comments

Catch on Fire

“Catch on fire with enthusiasm and people will come for miles to watch you burn” is the famous quote by John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist Church. As followers of Jesus, we have so much to be enthusiastic about. We have found freedom in Christ, a purpose for living, a divine destiny and eternal life – and that’s just the beginning...

By |2013-01-04T07:26:27-05:00August 31st, 2011|Uncategorized|2 Comments
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