Be Encouraged Today

I just returned from Indonesia, the most populated Muslim nation on earth. Currently 200 million Muslims live in this nation. But here is the good news! Every 15 seconds a Muslim becomes a follower of Jesus in Indonesia! Last year, 2 million Muslims received Jesus Christ as Lord in this nation! God is mightily at [...]

By |2014-08-06T23:45:29-04:00August 6th, 2014|Christian Living, Leadership|0 Comments

Billions Need Jesus

About two weeks ago I was in India, a country of 1.2 billion people made up of 80 percent Hindus and 15 percent Muslims. Today I am in Malaysia where more than 60 percent of the population is Muslim. Next week I plan to be in Indonesia, the largest populated Muslim country in the world [...]

By |2014-07-21T16:17:15-04:00July 21st, 2014|Christian Living, Leadership|0 Comments

Staying Sharp

When I received Jesus Christ as my Lord at age 18, I was hungry to receive training from those who had been walking with God for years before me. I took in every local church Bible School and Training School I could find. I devoured teaching from Christian leaders who had paved the way before [...]

By |2014-07-15T17:24:50-04:00July 14th, 2014|Christian Living, Leadership|1 Comment

A Lesson From The Mountains

I am spending a few days this week in the mountains taking in God’s amazing creation. Our universe and everything in it has order and design. Its complexity and beauty suggest an intelligent creator behind it. God intended for the beauty of the universe to point to Him (Psalms 19:1). In Romans 1:20, the apostle [...]

By |2014-07-07T23:10:38-04:00July 7th, 2014|Christian Living|0 Comments

Lessons From India

I spent the past week in three cities in India including Mysore, Bangalore and Kakinada. This nation of more than 1.2 billion people is set to become the largest populated nation in the world, bypassing China, by 2025. It is a highly religious nation with 80% Hindus, 15% Muslims, and 4% Christians. I met so [...]

By |2014-07-03T12:26:55-04:00July 3rd, 2014|Christian Living, Leadership|0 Comments

Mental Belief or Complete Trust?

When our children were young, they sometimes stood at the top of the stairs in our house and begged, “Daddy, catch me!” They were absolutely confident that I would catch them when they leapt into my arms. They did not simply believe in my existence, but completely trusted me. Many people today claim to believe [...]

By |2014-06-26T18:32:37-04:00June 26th, 2014|Uncategorized|0 Comments


While driving, a friend was listening to a Christian speaker on the radio. The speaker said, “Someone is driving on the road right now, and you need to turn your life over to God.” My friend was convicted of his sin. “That’s me!” he said. He pulled his car off to the side of the [...]

By |2014-06-19T07:20:25-04:00June 19th, 2014|Christian Living|0 Comments

Words Are Like Dynamite

Words are like dynamite. They can either be used powerfully for good or used powerfully for evil. Colossians 4:6 says, “Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” How can we speak with grace, seasoned with salt? When I was growing up, I [...]

By |2014-06-10T18:53:50-04:00June 10th, 2014|Christian Living, Leadership|0 Comments

Complete Surrender

I have a friend who had been strung out on drugs but gave his life to Christ. Several years later I asked him, “Why do you think your life turned around so dramatically and you never wavered?” He didn’t hesitate, “It’s because I totally surrendered control of my life to Christ.” Although large crowds were [...]

By |2014-06-04T06:32:14-04:00June 4th, 2014|Christian Living|0 Comments
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