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About Larry Kreider

Larry Kreider is the founder of DOVE International, a worldwide network of churches in 26 nations. He is the author of more than 40 books. A featured speaker at conferences and churches, he travels extensively, training and mentoring Christian leaders globally. Larry and his wife, LaVerne, live in Lititz, PA, USA.

Be a Berean

There are tons of voices vying for our attention today. Let’s decide now to be like the Bereans in the book of Acts. When Paul taught from the Scriptures and gave the message of Christ in their city, the Bible says the Bereans “received the message with eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to [...]

By |2013-06-13T07:15:00-04:00June 13th, 2013|Leadership, Uncategorized|2 Comments

The Power of Giving Thanks

When was the last time you complained, “God, why do you allow me to experience bad days? I’m serving you. It just doesn’t seem right.” I used to complain like that far too often. Then one day I realized that the Bible instructs us, “In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God [...]

By |2013-06-05T00:34:29-04:00June 5th, 2013|Leadership, Uncategorized|3 Comments

Season of Silence

A word from God can change your life forever. But, let’s face it, at times we may feel as if He has stopped speaking. We are not alone in experiencing God’s silence. Think of Joseph, whose story is told in the book of Genesis. Not only did God seem silent when Joseph was sold into [...]

By |2013-05-29T05:51:08-04:00May 29th, 2013|Leadership, Uncategorized|2 Comments

Key to Unity: Relationships and Prayer

I am presently ministering in Bulgaria. Believers in this nation experienced much pain during the days of Communism because many church leaders were imprisoned for their faith. Last night a pastor told me that during the reign of Communism, his pastor died in prison a day before he was to be released. A short time [...]

By |2013-05-17T01:35:50-04:00May 16th, 2013|Uncategorized|0 Comments


We all have a need to be accepted. I have felt misunderstood, left out and rejected many times. In my first year at school, I was one of those kids who was usually the last one picked to play baseball with my classmates. It really hurt. How about you? Can you remember times when you [...]

By |2013-05-07T06:57:15-04:00May 7th, 2013|Leadership, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Stay Alert

Last weekend I had the privilege of ministering to five hundred men at an “Iron Sharpens Iron” conference in Champaign, Illinois. I challenged the men that regardless of the emotional pain from their pasts, they are called by God to become spiritual fathers to a younger generation that desperately needs fathers. Man after man met [...]

By |2013-04-26T02:15:58-04:00April 26th, 2013|Leadership, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Prepare Now!

We live in exciting days leading toward historical events of the church. I am convinced we are on the verge of a great end-time harvest. As we race toward the last chapter in history, we need to prepare for hundreds of thousands who will be coming into the kingdom of God in our communities. Jesus, [...]

By |2013-04-17T06:03:37-04:00April 17th, 2013|Leadership, Uncategorized|0 Comments

The need for spiritual fathers and mothers

Jesus invested three years of His earthly ministry into the lives of twelve men. He became their “spiritual father.” This time of spiritual fathering prepared and equipped these disciples to “go into all the world” and fulfill the Great Commission. New Christians desperately need spiritual fathers and mothers to nurture and encourage them in their [...]

By |2013-04-10T06:29:21-04:00April 10th, 2013|Leadership|0 Comments

Be Amazed

This past month, for three days, three-hundred leaders from thirteen nations gathered at a conference center in Maryland. God met us in amazing ways as we worshipped and fellowshipped. Refreshed, we received our marching orders from the Lord for the next season of our lives. In preparation for the conference, I had requested three things [...]

By |2013-04-04T18:50:42-04:00April 4th, 2013|Uncategorized|1 Comment
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