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About Larry Kreider

Larry Kreider is the founder of DOVE International, a worldwide network of churches in 26 nations. He is the author of more than 40 books. A featured speaker at conferences and churches, he travels extensively, training and mentoring Christian leaders globally. Larry and his wife, LaVerne, live in Lititz, PA, USA.

The God of Restoration

Let’s get real. We all face difficult seasons in life. The founder of Operation Mobilization, George Verwer, once gave this advice to those who were experiencing tough times, “Get more familiar with the pain, and don’t let it be such a big deal.” We are going to have times of pain in life. We are [...]

By |2015-04-15T14:01:19-04:00April 8th, 2015|Christian Living, Leadership|0 Comments

Beware the Idol Factory

The human heart is never neutral; it must worship something. It longs to attach to something. Whether we want to admit it or not, the heart is often an idol factory elevating things or people above God. It happens so subtly. For example, when we are worried, where do we look for comfort or security, [...]

By |2015-04-01T11:06:48-04:00April 1st, 2015|Christian Living, Leadership|1 Comment

No Fishing!

This may sound really elementary, but it is a powerful truth. When we repent of our sins, God forgives them and will never remember or mention them again. Psalm 103:12 tells us that “as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.” You can’t get any [...]

By |2015-03-24T21:13:30-04:00March 24th, 2015|Christian Living, Leadership|2 Comments

What does it really mean to follow Jesus?

The early Christian disciples knew what it meant to follow Jesus. When Jesus said to fisherman, James and John, “Follow Me,” they left their boats and nets—their business, their livelihood—and followed Him. As Matthew sat in his tax collecting station, Jesus came by and said, “Follow Me.” Matthew left his position and job, and followed [...]

By |2015-03-18T13:48:01-04:00March 18th, 2015|Christian Living, Leadership|0 Comments


We have a great sense of expectation from the LORD as more than 370 servant-leaders from 18 nations in the DOVE Global Family come together next week. We plan to meet for three days at the Sandy Cove Conference Center in North East Maryland, USA, and we are expecting to hear from the LORD together. [...]

By |2015-03-05T13:46:23-05:00March 5th, 2015|Christian Living, Leadership|0 Comments

A Beautiful Promise

Some of God’s people are going through a difficult season of life right now. Some things in life simply do not seem to make sense. If this is you, I found a beautiful promise from Scripture the other day that will encourage you. “For there is a proper time and procedure for every matter, though [...]

By |2015-02-25T10:32:21-05:00February 25th, 2015|Christian Living, Leadership|0 Comments

A Lesson from Germany

A few months ago I was in Stuttgart, Germany with a few hundred young German Christian leaders from Hope International Ministries. I learned that a few years earlier they had made a commitment to plant a new church within one-hour driving distance from every person living in their nation. Now—220 churches later—this vision has become [...]

By |2015-02-16T21:58:42-05:00February 16th, 2015|Christian Living, Leadership|0 Comments

One of Our Lord’s Top Priorities

Every generation needs new churches, or as Jesus called them, “new wineskins,” to meet the spiritual needs of their present generation. Tim Keller, who pastors Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York, in his article, Why Plant Churches, says, “The vigorous, continual planting of new congregations is the single most crucial strategy for 1) the numerical [...]

By |2015-02-04T13:51:38-05:00February 4th, 2015|Christian Living, Leadership|0 Comments
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