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About Larry Kreider

Larry Kreider is the founder of DOVE International, a worldwide network of churches in 26 nations. He is the author of more than 40 books. A featured speaker at conferences and churches, he travels extensively, training and mentoring Christian leaders globally. Larry and his wife, LaVerne, live in Lititz, PA, USA.

If someone can talk you into it, someone else will talk you out of it

Your God-given calling is likely to be tested. Yours may be a call in business, education, government, community service, the church, your family, your neighborhood, the arts, entertainment, media, sports or a combination of two or more. No matter what your vocation, it is inevitable that there will come a time when you begin to [...]

By |2015-07-29T11:31:49-04:00July 29th, 2015|Christian Living, Leadership|0 Comments

Our Top Priorities

I was a young twenty something youth leader hungry to obey the Lord. LaVerne’s father was a Mennonite pastor and he often hosted pastors in his home when they came to speak at his church. I loved sitting with these men of God and asking them questions about the Lord and leadership. One weekend he [...]

By |2015-07-22T08:48:51-04:00July 22nd, 2015|Christian Living, Leadership|0 Comments

A Greater Revival

Did you know that in 1858, conversions were reported in towns and cities all across the state of Pennsylvania, USA? Within four months, the Methodists alone reported ten thousand conversions in Philadelphia. Revival spread quickly from Pennsylvania to New Jersey. In Atlantic City, not more than 50 unconverted people were reported to be remaining in [...]

By |2015-07-08T14:00:08-04:00July 8th, 2015|Christian Living, Leadership|0 Comments

Lord, Send A Revival

Our nation is in a desperate need of revival. As I travel from continent to continent, I hear the same heart cry from believers in Christ whom I meet: “Lord, send a revival.” What is a revival, and what causes a revival to take place? Psalms 85:6 states, “Will you not revive us again, that [...]

By |2015-07-01T12:27:03-04:00July 1st, 2015|Christian Living, Leadership|0 Comments

Simple But True

The bible tells us in Galatians 3:13 that “Christ redeemed us…”. What does it mean in today’s language to be redeemed? The word redeemed literally means to buy back. I’ve heard the story of a young boy, who after spending many hours constructing a little boat, took it out on the lake to sail it. [...]

By |2015-06-23T15:51:20-04:00June 23rd, 2015|Christian Living, Leadership|1 Comment

The Truth

Although skeptics over many years have tried to destroy the authority of the Bible, the Bible has remained the most well-known book in the history of the world and has proven itself true again and again. The Bible was written over a period of 1500 years, by over 40 different authors from all walks of [...]

By |2015-06-17T16:08:35-04:00June 17th, 2015|Christian Living, Leadership|0 Comments

A Lesson from Billy Graham

A friend of mine stepped onto an elevator in Washington DC some years ago, and to his surprise, there stood Billy Graham the renowned evangelist. He only had a split second to ask Mr. Graham one quick question, “Mr. Graham, if you were a young man like me, what word of advice would you have?” [...]

By |2015-06-10T09:32:25-04:00June 10th, 2015|Christian Living, Leadership|2 Comments

Try Giving Thanks Today

It’s our natural tendency to complain. Anyone can do it. But it is unnatural or even supernatural to give thanks amidst life’s tests and trials. God’s general will for each of us is to “give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (1 Thess. 5:18). Thankfulness [...]

By |2015-06-03T08:55:14-04:00June 3rd, 2015|Christian Living, Leadership|0 Comments
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