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About Larry Kreider

Larry Kreider is the founder of DOVE International, a worldwide network of churches in 26 nations. He is the author of more than 40 books. A featured speaker at conferences and churches, he travels extensively, training and mentoring Christian leaders globally. Larry and his wife, LaVerne, live in Lititz, PA, USA.

This Week

Last week we celebrated the resurrection of Christ. This week, we can live a resurrected life. “I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless, I live. Yet not I, but CHRIST LIVES IN ME. And the life I now live in this body, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and [...]

By |2017-06-27T10:17:41-04:00April 22nd, 2017|Christian Living, Leadership|2 Comments

Have a blessed Resurrection Weekend!

“So you see, just as death came into the world through a man, now the resurrection from the dead has begun through another man. Just as everyone dies because we all belong to Adam, everyone who belongs to Christ will be given new life. But there is an order to this resurrection: Christ was raised as the [...]

By |2017-04-14T10:12:46-04:00April 14th, 2017|Uncategorized|3 Comments

No spiritual giants needed

A true spiritual father or mother encourages a spiritual son or spiritual daughter to reach their God-given potential. It is not a title or position, but instead, a role of servant-hood. No spiritual giants needed. We can become a mentor to another person who is just a step or two behind us in their walk [...]

By |2017-04-06T14:40:14-04:00April 6th, 2017|Christian Living, Leadership|4 Comments

Today is the day

Someone once said: “The past cannot be changed, only learned from. The future however, is in our control.” Today is the day to stop looking back and take a step of faith, trusting God for a brighter future.

By |2017-03-30T12:31:48-04:00March 30th, 2017|Uncategorized|1 Comment

I love the body of Christ!

I love the body of Christ! I love Roman Catholics; we have our bibles today through their obedience. I love Baptists; they taught us to lead people to faith in Christ. I love the Methodists, their founder John Wesley taught us the importance of accountably with other believers in a small group. I love the [...]

By |2017-03-01T13:30:34-05:00March 1st, 2017|Christian Living, Leadership|0 Comments

So simple, yet so powerful

One of the most powerful verses of poetry ever written is, “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the bible tells me so.” It is so simple, yet so powerful and so profound. During one of the darkest seasons of my life nearly 25 years ago, these words brought great hope to me. Anna Warner [...]

By |2017-02-23T15:49:40-05:00February 23rd, 2017|Christian Living, Leadership|0 Comments

Let’s become Bereans

Sometimes we base our understanding of God on our preconceived ideas and our past experiences. Baptists grow up with a Baptist understanding of the scriptures, and the same can be said of Methodists, Lutherans, Charismatics…this list goes on and on. Depending on our church’s denomination or theological perspective, we are convinced that our brand of [...]

By |2017-02-15T17:01:28-05:00February 15th, 2017|Christian Living, Leadership|1 Comment

Remember Laish

There is an obscure story in the Bible about a group of people who lived in the town of Laish. They seemed to be at peace and secure. But they were suddenly attacked and their city was burned to the ground. They had no one to rescue them, because they had no close relationships with anyone [...]

By |2017-02-01T16:28:06-05:00February 1st, 2017|Christian Living, Leadership|7 Comments
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