It is so easy to make the mistake of relying too much on how we feel. One day we may feel close to God, the next day we don’t. Although getting in touch with our emotions is important, we cannot trust our feelings alone. We must trust the truth we find in the Word of God.

When we are tempted to be discouraged or depressed, we must make the decision, in Jesus’ name, to replace those thoughts with the thoughts that God thinks about us. The bible tells us to “bring every thought captive” (II Cor. 10:5). See yourself as God sees you. Look at others as God looks at them.

Romans 4:3 says…”Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness.” The word “accounted” literally means “credited.” The Lord credits our account with righteousness when we believe Him! Imagine someone depositing money in your bank account each week. You say, “I don’t deserve this.” But your bank account would continue to grow whether you deserved it or not! That is exactly what God does. The Bible says that if we believe God, like Abraham, the Lord places righteousness into our account!

Being right with God does not depend on our performance; it depends on our faith in Jesus Christ—our trust in Him. When we begin to confess the truth of our righteousness by faith, do you know what happens? The Lord provides for our needs! “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6:33). God provides for our needs because we are His children through faith in Jesus Christ. God makes us righteousness through faith in Jesus. God has accepted us. Isn’t that great news!

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