There is tremendous spiritual power released when we begin to experience the grace of God. Years ago, I was involved in a youth ministry. I remember coming home one day, and discovering that someone had taken a big rock and thrown it through our window. I knew the rock-thrower was someone we cared about and to whom we had ministered. God was teaching us about His grace. Grace is the power and desire to do His will.

1 Peter 5:5-6 says that…”God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.” Humility is an attitude of total dependence on Jesus Christ. Pride is the opposite of a healthy understanding of the grace of God.

The Lord helped us to take the attitude that it was only by His grace that our whole house did not have every window broken! We could have cried and complained and gotten stuck, but God’s grace gave us the power to forgive and bless and move on so that we could continue to build His life in the people that He had placed in our lives.

The scripture makes it clear that if we humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God, He will exalt us in due time. God wants to exalt you. He wants to honor you. When are we honored by God? When we humble ourselves before Him. If I try to do God’s job, if I try to exalt myself, then God would have to do my job. He would have to humble me. I would rather humble myself and allow God to exalt me rather than have God humble me, wouldn’t you?

Humility places us in a position to receive this grace. True humility is constantly acknowledging that without Jesus we can do nothing, but with Jesus we can do all things.

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