Sin is like cancer. If one of my family members had skin cancer on his arm, every time I would see it, I would hate it. That is how God feels about sin. He knows that sin will destroy the people that He has created to be in fellowship with Him. God loves us. He does not want to destroy us. But if we stubbornly cling to our sin, we will be destroyed by it.

I know it is not very popular today to talk about absolutes or about sin. But the reality is: we all sin. The word “sin” literally means to miss the mark of God’s perfect will. It would be highly unlikely for a person practicing target shooting to hit the bull’s eye every time. Every now and then he or she will miss. Sin misses the mark of God’s perfect will, as revealed in His Word, and will separate us from God.

Jesus came to solve the sin problem of mankind. He first convicts us, or makes us aware, of our sin. Jesus said the Holy Spirit “…will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin…” (John 16:8). God loves us, but He hates sin.

We live among a generation where many personally decide what is right or wrong. There seems to be no absolutes. But this belief is deceptive and incorrect. The Scriptures give us the final verdict regarding what is considered to be sin by God. This is why reading and knowing the Scriptures is so important.

Once we realize we have missed the mark, we must believe Jesus will save us from the sin that condemns us. “Whoever believes in him is not condemned…” (John 3:18). Confession is healthy and frees us from condemnation, so that when we “confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).

Let’s keep short accounts with God, and purpose in our hearts today to obey the Scriptures, confess and turn from our sins, and live in true freedom.

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