Jesus constantly asked questions. He asked a religious teacher, “What is written in the law?’ and he asked his disciples, “Who do men say that I am?” (Lu. 10:26, Matt. 16:13) Spiritual mothers and fathers help those they mentor become self-disciplined and self-motivated so that they are not reliant on the pushing and prodding of their mentors.  They teach them to think for themselves, and a key to this process is the art of asking the right questions.

Here are some examples of questions you can ask:

  •  “How is your relationship with Jesus?”
  • “What has God been speaking to you through His Word?”
  • “What are some areas in your life that God is pressing
His finger on?”
  • “What are some areas of concern the Father has placed 
in you to be praying about?”
  • “Has your thought life been pure?”
  • “What sin has tempted you this week?”
  • “What struggles are you having in your life?”
  • “In what ways have you stepped out in faith lately?”
  • “Have you shared your faith this week?”
  • “What was your greatest joy this week?”
  • “What was your biggest disappointment this week?”
  • “What do you see yourself doing five or ten years in 
the future?”
  • “What gifts do you possess that you feel you are not 
using right now?”
  • “What is your most passionate pursuit?”
  • “What is your most intense longing?”
  • “How can I help you fulfill what the Lord has called 
you to do?”

For those you are mentoring who are married, these questions may be added:

  • “How is your relationship with your spouse?”
  • “Have you been on a date night lately?”
  • “Do you take the necessary time to communicate?”

Of course, we should not bombard our spiritual sons or daughters with all these questions at one time!

Questions similar to these will motivate those we mentor to be thoughtful about their daily interactions and help them to be more like Christ.

SFM web(Much of this was taken from my newly released book, “The Cry for Spiritual Mothers and Fathers—The Next Generation Needs You to be a Spiritual Mentor.” Now available for an introductory price of 50% off! More details here)

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