God is teaching me to live with a margin. Living with a margin simply means allowing room for things to happen. There are really only three ways a person can arrive anywhere. He can arrive early, on time, or late. I used to always try to arrive right on time, and I consistently arrived a few minutes late. That’s because I allowed no margin. I now try to plan to arrive a few minutes early when I plan to arrive somewhere so I can be on time. Living with a margin also applies to our finances. Having some money in savings to prepare for extra bills that can some up is having a margin. Taking time to listen to someone we disagree with without responding too quickly is living with a margin. James 1:19 tells us, … “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.” And not getting in other people’s personal space is a physical margin we need to keep. Living with a margin honors the people around us. Let’s live with God’s margin in every area of our lives.

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