We all experience seasons of change and transition in life. Sometimes life is exciting, dynamic, and we feel on top of the world. At other times we just want to go away and escape. King David once said, “Oh, that I had the wings of a dove! I would fly away and be at rest.” (Ps. 55:6)

If we do not understand that there are both fulfilling and difficult seasons in life, we may draw the wrong conclusions about what is happening. Or we may be confused about the reasons we are going through an unexpected situation. Sometimes our circumstances are the product of decisions we have made, but at other times our present situation has nothing to do with our decisions. It is just a season of life, and God is with us.

Never forget this truth: Our God is good! You can trust Him. And even at times when you may feel faithless, He remains faithful! (II Tim. 2:13)

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