Thirty-three years ago, I almost quit. I was serving as a pastor of a new church that was growing rapidly, but leadership became really hard for me. I wanted out. As I prayed and listened to God and received counsel, I came to realize that God had called me to this leadership role. Quitting was not an option. I was not aware during this season of life that The Lord was teaching me truths about leadership that would help people all over the world in the future. A few years later, the Lord moved me into a season of blessing, and I wrote the book; “Passing the 21 Tests of Leadership.” The majority of these 21 tests of leadership were learned during the two-year period when I almost quit. I am so thankful the Lord gave me grace to persevere and to not quit. Doing what is required now in your present season of life will enable you to benefit during your next season. Marriages go through hard seasons, as do relationships, families, churches, jobs, and businesses. Let’s trust God for grace to persevere and pray and listen to God and then obey Him in our present season. “Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him (James 1:12 NIV).” I have heard it said; “The greatest act of spiritual warfare is to not quit!”

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