As we embrace our present season of life, we are being prepared for the next season. God gives us grace, His undeserved favor, for each season if we ask Him, and receive it by faith. Genesis 8:22 tells us, “As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.” God wants us to understand both natural seasons, and the many seasons of life we will experience as we live on this earth.

Four months ago, I entered into another season. LaVerne and I experienced succession of leadership in the DOVE International family of churches. I felt the weight of serving as the DOVE International Director for many years lifted from me, and placed on my successor, Merle Shenk, who has the grace from the Lord to lead us into our next chapter as a global family of churches. I am experiencing great joy and grace and freedom in this new season of life. I am committed to doing everything I can to make Merle successful, and to also be a spiritual father to younger leaders in this season. And as I look back, I now realize that the many seasons I walked through in the past, especially the difficult seasons, have prepared me for the season I am in presently. God will never waste a season in our lives.

So then, I have found it is so important to understand that life comes in seasons. He calls us to embrace our present season, and receive grace for this season, because it will not last forever. Over the next months, I am planning to share with you on my blog much of what I am learning about embracing our present season of life and preparing for the next season. I look forward to walking on this journey with you.

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