How has the Lord wired you? Stop trying to be someone you are not. Genesis 4:20-22 tells us that Jabal was the father of those who raised cattle. His brother Jubal was the father of all the musicians who played the lyre and pipe. His half-brother Tubal-Cain forged instruments made of bronze and iron. They all had different gifts from one another—specific gifts from the Lord. God keeps our world in balance by giving each of us natural talents. Aren’t you glad everyone is not like you? All kinds of gifts and abilities are needed. God often speaks to us and directs us through our natural talents and abilities. When you get in touch with how God has wired you, the tasks that relate to that wiring will be a pleasure and not a burden. God has made you uniquely; you are one of a kind. He will speak to you and lead you according to the way He has shaped you for His service.

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