John Wesley once said: “Make all you can, give all you can, and save all you can.” He knew the value of hard work, generous giving, and planning for the future.” These truths apply to every season of our lives. So let’s prayerfully plan for our future, sowing good seeds for a future crop…whether it’s our family, our business, our church, or in our relationships. I have date nights planned with my wife LaVerne for each month for the rest of this year. Why? I am committed to continue to sow good seeds into our marriage for a healthy future together. If you are married, I encourage you to do the same.

We must refuse the toxics of worry and anxiety. Rather than worrying or becoming anxious about a future season of our lives, let’s instead ask the Lord how we can prepare for the next season. Jesus said in Matthew 6:34, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Let’s embrace our God today, and prayerfully plan for tomorrow. We sow good seeds today to experience a good crop tomorrow.

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