God created us to grow and change and learn over time, through different seasons—not all at one time. Life is a journey.  As I look back on my life, I have experienced many times of transformation—not just a single event, and each experience led me closer to becoming the man God created me to be. Like layers of petals of a flower that become undone over time to reveal a fruitful center, I have experienced many seasons of feeling undone. It is a part of the process of coming alive.

Your present season will not last forever. In fact, your present season might have something really good for you that you don’t want to miss by fighting the season you are in. Refuse to fight the changes or what feels imperfect. Dig in right where you are. Embrace the Lord in your present season. This season will not last forever. There is a new season coming. And it may be right around the corner. We are being conformed into the image of Christ. Remember, “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven, a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted…He has made everything beautiful in its time (Ecc. 3:1,2,11).” And that includes you!

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