My greatest modern day hero of the faith, Billy Graham, went to be with his Lord early this morning. I have always loved this man. As a young dairy farmer he chose to believe the Bible was the Word of God and committed his life completely to Christ. God used him powerfully to change the nations for Christ. He loved Jesus Christ with his whole heart, he loved his wife Ruth and his family, he was man of humility and integrity, and he refused to cave in to the many voices around him. His life was a model for all of us. I watched Billy from afar for many years and I only saw him speak in person one night in Philadelphia many years ago, but it was a life changing night for me. I was deeply moved by the words spoken by this man of God. Lord, raise up a new generation of totally dedicated Jesus followers who will model the life of Christ like Billy Graham did so faithfully for all of us.

  • Larry Kreider

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