I meet so many people who are tired. Many are so busy helping everyone else; they have not learned the secret of being intentional about taking care of themselves. I think of this often when I fly in an airplane. The flight attendant instructs us that if the oxygen mask drops, we must put our mask on first, so we can help our child or the person next to us. Jesus told us; “Love your neighbor as yourself.” It is hard to love others if we have not learned to take care of ourselves.

There are four areas that we need to be intentional about to take care of ourselves. The bible says; “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and men.” (Luke 2:52). In this passage he gives us the four areas we need to focus on to stay healthy.

1 – Wisdom – staying healthy intellectually

2 – Stature – staying healthy physically

3 – Favor with God – staying healthy spiritually

4 – Favor with man – staying healthy socially

Let’s take steps to be intentional to focus on each of these four areas so we can be healthy and able to help those whom God has placed in our life.

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