My friend Lee Grady said it well this week: “Racism is sick. Neo-Nazism is sick. And despite what some smug, churchgoing racists may tell you, these philosophies are totally incompatible with Christianity. White nationalism is an idea that was hatched in hell itself.”

I completely agree.

Lee continues: “White supremacy is part of the antichrist spirit mentioned in the New Testament. It is in complete opposition to Christ’s gospel, for the following reasons:

When God chose to send His Son into the world, He was born to a Jewish woman… He was a man of color. Yet He called people of all races to a salvation that was not based on race but on faith in God’s incredible love and mercy.

The church that Jesus founded began with His first Jewish followers, but it quickly became mixed with Italians, Greeks, Ethiopians and other Gentiles. Jesus broke the ‘dividing wall’ between Jew and Gentile (see Eph. 2:14). He defeated racism! And He commissioned His followers to take the gospel to all nations. Christianity has always been multiethnic.

The first apostles made it clear that Christ’s kingdom is based on love for one another. Christians are not allowed to hate people—and they are certainly not allowed to belong to hate groups. John made this clear when he wrote: “If anyone says, ‘I love God,’ and hates his brother, he is a liar” (1 John 4:20a). Racial hatred, bigotry and prejudice of any kind are polar opposites of Christian faith.”

Thank you, Lee, for giving this clear non-compromising message to the Church of Jesus Christ!

(To read more from Lee Grady on this, see…/33612-the-demonic-roots-of-white-… )

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