Let’s purpose in our hearts today to keep our “spiritual eyes” open. What do you see Jesus doing in your life, or in the lives of your loved ones, or in the lives of those He has placed around you? How has He called you to partner with Him to minister to those around you? Expect the Lord to use you today, and remember, “…we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us (2 Corinthians 4:7).”

We have the treasure, our Lord Jesus Christ, within us. The power we have to minister to others is not of us—it is from Him. We are weak “jars of clay,” but Jesus lives powerfully within our human weakness.

When you lay your hands on someone who is sick and pray, expect them to recover. Christ lives in you! As you speak words of encouragement to others, expect the Lord to use you to boost their faith. And never forget—God, the King of the whole universe, has chosen you as one of His choice ministers! He lives within you!

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