Just because we knew the Lord in a personal way in the past does not necessarily mean that we have a close relationship with Him today. I was making a point of this truth some years ago while speaking at a public high school.

I asked the students, “Do any of you still know your first grade teacher?” I was startled when a girl in the back of the room raised her hand and said, “Sure I do. She is my mother!” Her point was well taken. The other students, however, had not maintained a relationship with their first grade teacher so their current relationship with her was nonexistent.

Do you have a vital relationship with your heavenly Father today? He is still there, waiting for you and me to come back to Him. James 4:8 tell us clearly, “Come near to God and he will come near to you.” It’s a bit like playing a game of chess. God has made his move; he is now waiting for us to make our move towards him.

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