I wanted to quit. While serving as the senior pastor of a mega church that had started with only twenty-five people ten years earlier, the unresolved conflict I was experiencing with some of my co-workers seemed more than I could handle.

LaVerne and I knew we had clearly heard God’s voice to start this church, and we remembered the many times we had heard God speak to us since surrendering our lives to Him, but God seemed to be distant and nowhere to be found in helping us bring resolution among differing factions.

LaVerne and I confessed all of our sins and faults. Other people prayed for us. Even as we tried to claim His promises, God did not seem to be helping us. It felt as if the more we cried out to God for help, the more silent He became.

The voice of the accuser grew stronger in condemning me for everything that was wrong. I was convinced that all God had done in my life was ending in shambles. Why did the God that I love and serve so faithfully, leave me during these dark hours in my life?

The truth is, God didn’t leave me, just like He promised in Hebrews 13:5, “Never will I leave you; Never will I forsake you.” God was working in ways I did not comprehend at the time. It was during this silence that I gained many invaluable lessons.

Have you experienced the silence of God? Are you finding it hard to hear God speak in this season of your life? We have good news for you! God may be doing his deepest work in your life during this time. He may be teaching you to listen to His voice in ways you have not yet experienced.

This blog is a condensed excerpt from our new book just released: When God Seems Silent. In this book, LaVerne and I open our hearts and share what we have learned during times when God seemed to be silent. If you are interested in reading more, this book can be purchased on-line at a one-half off introductory price at http://store.dcfi.org/products/when-god-seems-silent/

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