Twenty years ago I served as senior pastor of a mega-church. I often felt insecure and struggled with knowing how to make decisions and lead effectively, especially when there were differing viewpoints. One day one of our team members said, “Go find a leader you trust and ask him to mentor you.”
I took his suggestion seriously. During the next few years, I sought out leaders I trusted and learned from them. I also read dozens of books on leadership. What I learned was life changing and gave me confidence to lead.
Recently I made a list of ten things I learned about healthy leadership. I really wish I had known these things twenty years ago—it would have saved others and me from much pain! Because God calls both men and women to leadership, the following list applies to leaders regardless of gender. In fact, you do not even need to be a leader to benefit from this list. These ten principles apply to everyday living for every healthy Christian.
Here’s my list to help prevent you from making the same mistakes I made:
1. A healthy leader’s security and significance comes from knowing he is accepted and loved by God, not from the approval or lack of approval of the people he leads (1 John 3:1).
2. A healthy leader knows he is called by God to serve in leadership. Otherwise, if someone can talk him into it, someone else can talk him out of it (Galatians 1:10).
3. A healthy leader focuses on building healthy teams and recognizes that everyone else is not necessarily wired like him. Unity with diversity makes the most effective team. Walt Disney may have had the idea for Mickey Mouse, but it was his brother Roy Disney who actually made it happen.
4. A healthy leader knows the sphere (or field) that God has assigned to him and is confident leading in this sphere. He refuses to meddle in fields led by others (2 Corinthians 10:13).
5. A healthy leader knows his role of leadership on each team where he serves. On one team, he may be the primary leader, on another he supports someone else’s leadership, and on another he is a team player. A healthy leader is secure in filling various roles.
6. A healthy leader models biblical decision-making and teaches the teams he leads to make good decisions. This includes making decisions that honor the Lord, honor the supportive leaders around him, honor the people who will be affected by the decision, and honor what God has placed on his heart. The process of decision-making can be more important than the actual decision (Acts 15).
7. A healthy leader knows that conflict and criticism are par for the leadership course. Conflict cannot be ignored, but needs healthy sensitive confrontation to bring resolution. Even if it seems irrational, criticism usually has at least one to two percent of truth in it. These nuggets of truth should be used as an impetus to make us better leaders.
8. A healthy leader realizes he is a servant and leads like a spiritual father. He is not threatened by those on the team who may be more gifted than he is. He will empower them, release them and protect them.
9. A healthy leader learns to receive and implement vision. He listens to God and to wise counselors, builds a healthy team and understands God’s timing and process in seeing the vision become a reality.
10. A healthy leader focuses on the Kingdom of God as the final goal rather than on his enterprise, church or ministry. Healthy leaders have eternal perspectives and make their relationships with God a priority (Matthew 6:33).
There you have it. It took me twenty years to learn these ten leadership truths, and I am still in God’s leadership school. The day we die is the day we stop learning.
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Thank you for persevering to the other side of the jungle and sending up ten flares to help others walking behind you. Your insights help me to continue the journey and stay on course.
Thank you, Larry. Goes well with and compliments the reading of 1 Kings 9, Daniel 1, and Psalm 40-41, our reading for today. May God continue to bless you with wisdom and understanding.
Thanks for this wonderfully succinct list. There is value in that distillation!
Hey Larry,
What a great find to see this list someone shared on Facebook! Do you have a regular blog? I’d love to sign up!
I love that I know you really live the #1 item and being in your same age range I find it to be so true for real, not just cuz we are supposed to say that first.
Thanks for living your life as a true model.
Proud to have been in your Masters class,
Thank you Pastor Larry for your post. But I believe that these are not lessons that you could have known 20 years ago but it was the 20+ year crucible in which God has been refining you. He is the one who has developed a father’s heart, kingdom mindedness and a refined vision in the furnace of ministry. I believe that is not a list of principles to be followed but life lessons learned only through the fire of adversity that indeed if known at an early age could have saved heartache but God is one who redeems our pain not merely one helps us to circumvent it. I would love to hear the stories of how God developed these principles into your own life. It would make an incredible read and encouragement to many young pastors like myself. Blessings to you and the next 20+ year of obedient and fruitful ministry!
Hi Danny,
You are correct about this. In fact, I have written many of these stories in the various books I have written, especially in “The 21 Tests of Effective Leadership” and “House to House.” If you are interested, these books are available on our web site or Amazon or wherever books are sold. Many blessings in Christ to you!
Your principles are noteworthy, but your concept of leadership appears to be male. You only use the male pronoun and appellation of father exclusively – not even so much as a cursory mention of women — Not very inclusive as the heart of the FATHER is toward his DAUGHTERS. Whereas you may in fact be open to female leaders, but your language is not and that reveals more than any platitudes.
I completely agree with you. When I wrote the blog initially, I used language that included both male and female. I decided to only use one gender to make it easier to read, but in retrospect, I agree with you. I should have left it the way it was originally.
Many blessings to you,
Thanks for this, Larry. I would love every Christian leader to read and consider these 10 points. They say that we learn by our mistakes – seems like you’ve done that but, while I hope some of this wisdom rubs off on some of the younger emerging leaders, it’s likely they, too, will need to learn the hard way. Danny’s right – and I pray God will bless him as he’s obviously blessed you.