I am presently ministering in Bulgaria. Believers in this nation experienced much pain during the days of Communism because many church leaders were imprisoned for their faith. Last night a pastor told me that during the reign of Communism, his pastor died in prison a day before he was to be released. A short time later, a prisoner who tried to take his own life in the same prison saw Jesus who manifested Himself before him. The prisoner gave his life to Christ, and a revival broke out in the prison.

Bulgarians are hungry for a fresh move of God in their nation. They recognize the need for authentic relationships. Relationships that bridge denominational lines coupled with prayer will pave the way for the Spirit of God to do something new within this nation.

My book “The Cry for Spiritual Fathers and Mothers” has been translated into Bulgarian. One thousand copies are being distributed throughout the nation to pastors and believers from a broad spectrum of churches and denominations in the body of Christ. Hundreds of other Bulgarians are downloading the book on-line for free.

I continue to hear the Spirit say two keys words while I’m ministering here: relationships and prayer. Jesus said in John 17:9-11: “I pray for them… Holy Father, keep through Your name those whom You have given Me, that they may be one as We are.”

There is no other way to build unity and experience God’s commanded blessing (Psalm 133) without relationships and prayer.

Tihomir Tenev from DOVE Bulgaria serves as my able translator and traveling companion. He has done an exceptional job overseeing the book translation and publishing project and setting up my traveling itinerary. In each city, meetings with church leaders behind-the-scenes have been amazing experiences as we continue to focus on building relationships and praying together.

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